Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hygene in Restaurants

 My little sister literally lovessss chinese food, I think that if she would have to live only by eating that, it'll be fine for her. Today, my job called me to work, and since she doesn't  know how to cook, and I couldn't do it for her, guess what she was going to have for lunch??? exactly... chinese food. But, she didn't, when I asked her why, she told me that she ordered it but while she was waiting, she saw this huge rat running from the back of the kitchen towards under the stove.... she left and didn't wait for it. I told her that she should't be surprised, because fast food restaurants aren't the cleanest, she reply by saying that it's true, but that it's not the same when you hear something than when you actually live it. And honestly, if we had a chance to actually be in the kitchen of the restaurants when they're cooking my food, I personally wouldn't eat it, but its like the saying, off sight off mind.    

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