Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Fast..... Hospital!!!

Last Wednesday, my aunt was having a kidney laser surgery, therefore, I had to go with her. To my amusement this surgery is a proccess that takes 2 hours, so it came the time when I got hungry and decided to go to the hopsital's cafeteria, and this is where i got real surprised.

Right inside the not so big cafeteria was a small stand, with big letters portraying the name of the so famous restaurant Taco Bell. I honestly couldn't believe it, and it was standing there where I stopped for a minute and started to think that this was a "hospital", a place where people treat their diseases and have health procedures in. Then, why was there a fast food restaurant right inside it.

As I looked around, I saw more than a few ladies and gentlemen wearing white ropes on top of their clothing. I was perplexed, it was harder to believe that the doctors who most likely would tell you to eat healthy were there, holding trays with chalupas, tacos and sodas right in the "hospital". So, a question arised to my mind, how are people going to stop eating fast food, if fast fod restaurants are like a temptation you found everywhere, even health facilities.      

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